The COVID-19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives since March 2020. According to World Health Organization and governmental sources the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. Are you protecting yourself and others during this time?

We are! We are following all officially recommended safety measures and guidelines to keep ourselves and others around us safe!

During the current situation we carry out the following measures:

We stay at home and work remotely, if itis possible;

We try to maintain at least 2m distance between ourselves and others;

We do not use public transportation and avoid crowded places;

We wear face masks and gloves at work and in public places;

We provide disposable face masks, gloves, and sanitization materials for visitors;

We keep rooms well ventilated;

We avoid using shared dishes, cups and cutlery;

We wash our hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer;

We clean and disinfect our workplace and frequently touched surfacesduring the day and at the end of each working day;

We minimize walks around the office space;

We inform each other if we feel unwell or develop other symptoms, like fever, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of smell or taste, sore throat and etc.;

We expect you to inform us if you feel unwell or if you were recently in close contact with an infected person or traveled to an area with widespread COVID-19;

We try to avoid travelling, especially if it is not essential;

We minimize direct social interactions and avoid contacts with people who feel unwell;

 We follow all guidelines set by the government.

Every day we do our best, to keep everyone safe!  We also hope that you do the same! We can all help to control the virus if we all stay alert.

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